Saturday, August 25, 2007

Exercise 4

Schwalbe P.160 - Chapter 4, Ex 4

Create a weighted scoring model to determine grades for a course. Final grades are based on three exams worth 15%, 20%, and 25%, respectively; homework is worth 20%; and a group project is worth 20%. Enter scores for three students. Assume Student 1 earns 100% (or 100) on every item. Assume student 2 earns 80% on each of the exams, 90% on the homework, and 95% on the group project. Assume student 3 earns 90% on Exam 1, 75% on Exam 2, 80% on Exam 3, 90% on the homework and 70% on the group project. You can use the weighted scoring model template, create your own spreadsheet, or make the matrix by hand.

Weighted Scoring Model for Course ITC000

Assume that Grades range from A to F, where 50% is the passing mark, A-E means Pass, F is failed below the passing mark.
(The space below is unintended, caused by bugs of this blog site. Please scoll down.)

Assessment WeightStudent 1Student 2Student 3
Exam 115%100 = 15%80 = 12%90 = 13.5%
Exam 220%100 = 20%80 = 16%75 = 15%
Exam 325%100 = 25%80 = 20%80 = 20%
Homework20%100 = 20%90 = 18%90 = 18%
Group Project20%100 = 20%95 = 19%70 = 14%


Schwalbe, K. (2006). Information Technology Project Management (4th ed.). Massachusetts: Thomson Course Technology.